Saturday, March 23, 2013

Announcing New Products: Herb Sprinkle & Relaxing Tea!!

Hello Everyone!  I wanted to let you know that I have come up with two new herbal products, Herb Sprinkle: Nettle & Dill flavored and a Relaxing blend tea.

In school we learned we could create spice condiments with various herbal plants.  So I decided to give it a shot and came up with this recipe.  Well today, March 22nd, at the Mill Valley Farmer's Market, I sold 4 jars of it!  So I think it's a potential hit!
I will have 2 at Sausalito and will be carrying these from now on in smaller jars.  Please check it out!
They can be sprinkled on bagels and any cream cheese, soups, salads, stir fry and well, any dish you think could use a boost of flavor AND minerals.  *This remedy is HIGH in minerals thanks to Nettles and Seaweed.  It is $6.50 per 6oz, $5.00 for 4oz.

This Relaxing blend tea, is based on the Relax glycerite formula but in loose tea form.  There is a lot of herb in this small container.  Steep anywhere from 1 small tea strainer to 1 tablespoon for 3-5 minutes for desired effect.  Remember to make sure you allow time to actually relax and be where you won't have to do anythinglike drive or put yourself at risk, as sometimes it can make some people drowsy.  Mostly it's meant to help support and calm your nervous system from the ravages of stress.*  It is $10.00 per tin which has 2.7 grams of herb in them. 

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This (these) products are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Sultry Gypsy Herb Co.'s:
New Line of Natural Bodycare!

Greetings newcomers!
Thank you for visiting my page.  As you can see I'm still building everything, having only just launched in January of this year, 2013.
(*Click here to read 'About Me' & learn more about my history & training)

I've been working at the Farmer's Markets listed below and hopefully in time as things grow, as the weather warms up, I will be working more markets as well as getting my products hopefully on store shelves ( the goal).

-Marin County Markets: 

Mill Valley off Blithedale near CVS on alternate Fridays-- (This coming Friday, April 5th ) 10-3pm 
Sausalito on Sundays at 10am-3pm at Dunphy Park. (regularly except when it rains)

As for purchasing products online, I literally just created a Pay Pal account and this wonderful option to be able to purchase products online.  Give me a bit o' time to get it all working and figured out, then I can started selling things through the mail and sending them out :)
I look forward to helping people feel better naturally!

Thank you again for visiting! Hope to see you at a Market nearby.


Happy Spring~In Stock!

Hello Folks,  Hope y'all are enjoying this Spring and now SUMMER! Boom it hit so fast! Please take note of what's in stock as I cann...