Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Spring~In Stock!

Hello Folks, 

Hope y'all are enjoying this Spring and now SUMMER! Boom it hit so fast!

Please take note of what's in stock as I cannot reimburse Pay Pal's fee if I have to refund someone. You can always ask me what's in stock first before making an order. 

Here is a list of what's in stock & what is not, also what's coming up in new batches-

In stock: 

Painless Sleep, Dry/Calm Cough, Wet/Clear Cough, Brain Gain, Fussy Gut, Headache Relief+, Women's Libido, Wild Lettuce, Nerve Ease.  I have 3 left of Cramp Ease, 2 left of Allergy Relief & 2 left of Relax. 

1&2oz pain salve tins. 

Out of stock, available in late June:

Anti-Viral, Second Immunity, Relax, Gentle Sleep. 

All of these will be coming in late June in fresh batches! I will make an announcement. 


Saturday, November 4, 2023

10th Year Anniversary in Stores~Sale to Celebrate!

Hello Folks! Happy Fall 

Ever typical of me, late late late...

The 10th year anniversary of my business getting into it's first stores, Good Earth, was January of 2013. I had been in two Marin County Farmers Markets previously in 2012.  

So I'm celebrating this December by having a 20% sale at the following stores and online with me! 

I want to continue growing but at the moment in a small space with some energy limitations, I am content & grateful where I am but hopefully in the future, will continue to grow. I have more remedies, spices & bodycare items to introduce!~

Community Market in Sebastopol & Santa Rosa-

Community Markets!~

Good Earth in Fairfax & Tam Valley (Mill Valley)

Good Earth Markets~!

Driver's Market in Sausalito.  

Driver's Market~!

Ukiah Co-Op

Ukiah Co-Op

Thank you SOOO much for supporting & believing in my work over the last 10th years! Gulp, where did the time go?! 

Cheers and wishing everyone real healing~


Here I am with one of my new kitties, Monkey. The orange is brother, Tommy Mango...both love bugs! Lucky me. Minus the mild cat allergy which is why the dark circles under my eyes are back! 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

~Armenian Food Festival~

 Hey Folks, 

Looking to stuff your face with yummy comfort food and learn a bit about another culture this weekend?

Want to eat Armenian food and support some great charities?  

Come check out the Armenian Food Festival at St. John's Church in San Francisco. The money will be donated to the Artsakh Refugee Fund (helping with people orphaned and displaced due to geopolitical land grabs) and SFIC-interfaith winter shelter for homelessness in SF. 

It's Sat 12-9pm and Sunday 12:30-3pm at 275 Olympia Way, San Francisco. 

Link for Armenian Food Festival~

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

~Introducing: CHOFFEE!!~

I have a new product I want to start making & selling online. I recently got off coffee this year. It was hard and I had those insane headaches with pulsating nerves happening but mostly difficult because I love the taste of it and LOVE the creamer I put in addiction. Together it's bliss & keeps my demons at bay. Seriously! I went most of my life without drinking much coffee due to getting heart palpitations and increased body & joint pain from it, despite liking the flavor and despite only having really getting hooked on it for the previous 3yrs due to fatigue. Ironically, caffeine drains your adrenals over time so in the long run it didn't help my lagging energy but in a crunch it did the trick. So I knew I had to find a way to get off of coffee either way.

But as we know, nature abhors a vacuum so I went looking for something I could replace it with. A warm, savory, nutty acidic drink that I could look forward to in the morning, or whenever and an excuse to use my almond milk CREAMER!!! 

I know there are other herbal coffee substitutes out there but they have never really satisfied me so I went about creating my own. I think I've found something that maybe others will like and will begin to experiment making new flavors on top of the base 'Choffee©'. That's the goofy name I made up as a combination of Chicory & Coffee...
I have some ideas for a chocolate mint, extra bitter (with bitter herbs), chocolate & turmeric and so on. 

I will make an announcement when I have 1/2 lb bags for sale. I'm just letting people know it's something I'm working and so far, really good! I enjoy it as often as I can not worrying that I'm drinking something that's too acidifying for my blood or too pro-inflammatory. Now I just have to watch my creamer consumption!

Summer 2022

Thursday, June 10, 2021


ON HOLD! I am working on whether or not I need to change my business name or not. I’d rather not, was ready to, got the name/domain but alas…I just really like it so I’m testing some waters. Will update soon! 

Have faith…it’s all good. :)



❤️ In the coming months, I am changing the fabulous name of my business from, The Sultry Gypsy Herb Co....To Artemis Herb Co.Link for Artemis Herb Co! (sad I know) 😔. Big hard changes may be necessary to adapt to the world as it is. 

It’s not as though I don’t love the name, I truly do. It’s been a name that spoke to my heart and came from me to the world, but in the spirit of being sensitive to cultural shifts in our consciousness the word ‘gypsy’ is less and less considered respectful or politically correct, to use that annoying term properly. Read links below. 
Overall most people have responded very positively to the name over 9yrs in business. But a couple of times it came up that it was considered an outdated or inappropriate name.
So the last thing I would ever do would be to participate in the degradation of any cultural group, period. I still relate to the word, people in the past thought of me as a gypsy soul (read my piece on it here 'The Gypsy Thing') and have called me one for years, plus as a mixed Armenian woman there is a long history of the Roma/Lom being in Armenia and assimilating quite well to where it was hard to distinguish them from Armenians.  Armenia may have been one of the only countries to fully accept the Roma/Lom people and not persecute them. Many were run out with many others by the Seljuk Turks.

Link about: Armenian Lom aka 'Gypsies'

Nevertheless I want to be respectful as well expand the business to go beyond me and my experiences, out to the world and feel that Artemis Herb succinctly does that. Or more so.

So changes will be occurring over the next few months as I sort out all the logistics of a name change. I have changed it with the city/country and got the website years ago for the new name, but for now it’s still The Sultry Gypsy Herb Co. will transform, grow and expand into something hopefully more exciting. I will be adding new products & even considering taking several popular remedies now and turning them into pill form for longer lasting results.  We'll see!

Cheers and than you for sticking with me! If you have any ideas you'd like to see, reach out~ :)


Sunday, March 14, 2021

 Products In Stock as of 4/23/23 (wow it’s 2023?! Sounds like a sci-if movie~) 

I’m mid production right now and will have all remedies by end of April. Although I will be low on Relax but I do have them now!  I have some 1 & 2oz pain salves also. I am constantly making new body butter, just ask if I have any in stock. Cheers and thank you! :D  

I am OUT of lip balm due to a manufacturer's booboo (*me) so I have to make a new batch. 
I will be making more Rose & Cedarwood Body Butter soon! 
I have some Eastern Sweets & Savory Nettle.
Cheers and thanks for checking in~
Please Take Note of This Below>>>
FYI- Re: new PayPal policy>>If you buy anything that I don't have in stock and I have to refund you, I will lose the PayPal fee that I paid despite there being a reduction in the total where normally it would be refunded to me, they no longer do that.  So please take note of what I have in and out of stock on my website.  
Normally I make a note of it on my website what I have in stock so if someone does that without noticing and orders anyways, I will have to make up the difference when I refund you.  It's a small part of the PayPal fee system I am charged every time I make a sale. 
>>I will update my blog when I have new product in. Until then I'm out of the above.  Apologies.  Thank you :)
>>I will be making new body butter & lip balm SOON!! Check back...

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Taking a week off to heal~

As of April 9th through April 18th, I'm taking this time off to recover from feeling ill myself and won't be making any deliveries or shipping anything at this time.  I have been making so many trips out to deliver product and work at my grocery store job that I have gotten sick a few times in small ways.  To prevent it from becoming something bigger, I'm taking this time off to recover and heal.

If you need anything and they have stock, check out the stores that carry my products: Good Earth (Fairfax & Tam Valley), Community Market (Santa Rosa & Sebastopol), Ukiah Co-Op, Trillium Herb in Ukiah (formerly Happy Herb) and Driver's Market.

If you need something from me, please try me after April 17th so I have time to heal.
Yes I take my own herbs (and Oscillococcinum-my goto for flus)  but exposing myself over has worn me down, plus some odd stuff is going around so it may be stronger that what we're. used to.  Thus I rest.  :). Be well and safe.

Thank you for understanding.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

During these times~March 2020

Greetings herbal fans,

Firstly I hope everyone out there is well and safe during this intensely tragic and challenging time dealing with a fierce virus around the world. It's surreal but it is real. So Please stay safe~
Secondly, I am still fulfilling small orders online as well as delivering/sending orders to my 7 store accounts.  Please check with them first and then me if you can.
(Good Earth(Fairfax&TamValley, Driver's Market, Community Market(Sebastopol&Santa Rosa), Ukiah Co-Op & Trillium Herb(formerly Happy Herb in Ukiah).

I so appreciate the support, the business and positive words coming from you about my products.  It means a lot!


Fussy Gut, Brain Gain, Cramp Ease, Wild Lettuce, Headache Relief+, Gentle Sleep, Relax, Nerve Ease and Women's Libido.
I am FULLY OUT of Painless Sleep. 

I have the following immune remedies but am sending a LOT of orders out so am limiting people to ONE of each immune item during Corona Virus and hopefully I will have them the moment you order.  Most of them do however goto stores and they should be limiting customers to one each.
Second Immunity, Anti-Viral, Dry Cough, Wet Cough & Allergy Relief.
I am making new batches of: pain salve (1&2oz), lip balm and rose/cedarwood body butter this weekend.

Be well, sleep well and love each other weller ;) Look after each other!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Long Awaited Online Price Increase~

It's been 5 years since I launched The Sultry Gypsy Herb Co© in January of 2013.  I designed and created remedies since 2012 and started selling at two Marin County Farmer's Markets with remedies being only $11 and $11.99 or 12 in the stores.  Since then I've gotten in many stores, some accounts fell by the wayside and others have held strong.  The best accounts I still have 👌
I have only raised the prices online once and that was after they were introduced at $11 at the market, otherwise they have been the same literally online, for 5 years, at $12/a bottle.
I recently raised the following remedies at the stores to suggest, $13.49
So with that I am raising the online prices of:   To $13/bottle.
This oughta hold for awhile.  It's a small change but one that makes it a tad easier to make a living...although I need to expand, just need a studio space to do that in 😉
Until then it oughta do.

Cheers and thanks for all the support~

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Demo ~

Hello Folks~

Been awhile....I'll be doing a demo at the Sebastopol Community Market tomorrow Sunday July 29th, at 2:30-5:30pm. 
Come and try some remedies, feel better~


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

New Summer Batch~

Greetings Folks~

For those who have been waiting for the green light, I will be bottling a new round of remedy batches this coming July.  By the 1st week in July I should have ALL of the remedies.  I will have a full stock of everything but Cramp Ease. I have a handful of those and will be pressing a new batch in mid-July, ready then. 
Otherwise everything else will be ready by 1st week in July~
Same with PAIN SALVES~!
Cheers and thanks for waiting~

Happy Spring~In Stock!

Hello Folks,  Hope y'all are enjoying this Spring and now SUMMER! Boom it hit so fast! Please take note of what's in stock as I cann...